Yoshioka renの最近のブログ記事

3rdDVD'CARA' sale commemoration event of both hormone loving daughters and Yoshioka ren that oneself and others perceived was held with Tokyo Akihabara and Ishimaru Denki software 2.

Lotus that appears putting on tube top by the spectators' grand applause.
94cm overflow at which it still peeps stirs up the imaginations of the overflowing spectators as for plain clothes 6F in the store ..stirring up...
Photographer's Tsba was made to be swallowed in milk and the service full marks in the under in the taking a picture Thymus vulgaris changed ....too deep valley.. sending.. the bikini.

Lotus that another and cooking for oneself hormone also have domestic one side "A good dish is a boiling putting of the pumpkin" in the hobby.
However, I seem to like hormones specially after all.
It rolled it in the eddy of the laughter at "(BG) ..it might be in one hand of the chuuhai in the hormone shop around there.." and the inside the room.

「At year-end last year though it was made to perform live. It does by being who has made live Mr. who dusts it this year. 」
It talks.  One Sibu Juncus effusus var.decipiens of often listening to 70'-80's popular song such as Candies was made to be peeped, and spectators' interests were favored usually.

Even the stage is wide and ..information.. check is inevitable from another and the photo session of active lotus.



このページには、過去に書かれたブログ記事のうちYoshioka renカテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。

前のカテゴリはYasuda Misakoです。

次のカテゴリはYuko Oguraです。
