The girl ana- four of TBS formed Broadway girls to assist in the visit to Japan musical, and it announced in Tokyo and the Akasaka ACT theater on the 12th. In the one to assist in the visit to Japan musical of "Lento", "Chorus Line", "Chicago" including "Xanadu" under the presentation, and the TBS sponsoring in Tomoko Kubota, Kanae Takeuchi, Yuko Aoki, and 4 of flood Asaginu, this day appears with the clothes dress of "Xanadu".
On stage, the Aoki ana- that sees one scene by the performer :. 「It is happy ..So help me... The body begins to move instinctively. 」With the excitement.
On stage, the Aoki ana- that sees one scene by the performer :. 「It is happy ..So help me... The body begins to move instinctively. 」With the excitement.