Ayumi Hamasakiの最近のブログ記事

Singer Ayumi's Hamasaki (32) shortly marrying actor Manuel Schwartz (30) from Austria that performed to own three music videos which it is the latest work by "Servitude" has understood a day. With Tsittar before dawn of the first「A Happy New Year!In a real master from master and this year. 」It reported on the marriage, and the belonging office was perceived to be "What the person in question had announced is all". It doesn't retire and the pregnancy is not done though the activity schedule for the future is undecided.

Meeting is August last year. It meets again by taking a picture MV about this collection tune "Love song" "Last angel" that becomes the sequel in the acquaintance and October when taking a picture of music video (MV) of collection tune "Virgin Road" of latest album 'Love songs' (sale on December 22 last year) with U.S.-Russian Sanzels. Love had been brought up for two months between those by frequently exchanging it with the telephone and mail ..dense...

Hamasaki reports on" "Though it is sudden and the title Shite marriage also on the fan club site besides Tsittar.
「Love to love to family, love to companion, and staff and love to technology assessment. There is various shape in love the object and the mode of expression different. Ayumi and I Hamasaki had Dea as one woman in another irreplaceable love one man. We are convinced that we are in a place near most through all eternity now. Mani that is the master post in Virgin Road is of in a real master in real life. 」It solved and pleasure was exploded.

It appears from wrapping and the seat in appearance and ..large last day of the month.. ..'The 61th NHK Red and White New Year's Music Special'.. wedding dress in the lead-off batter and .."Virgin Road".. sing enthusiastically of Hamasaki. It moved to Tokyo and the first gym in National Yoyogi Gymnasium afterwards, and customary countdown concert 'ayumi hamasaki COUNT DOWN LIVE 2010-2011 -do it again-' every year. In the communication with the fan after it reports on Tsittar after live「It doesn't change even into ー. I am me. 」It muttered. 

The source is http://beauty.oricon.co.jp/news/83589/full/

Japan is good country!
PLEASE come here!
Performance in Osaka discontinuance of Ayumi Hamasaki announced on the ninth.
This was received, and Ayumi Hamasaki wrote the message on own fan club site aiming at the fan. The full text is reprinted as follows.

 -   -  -
It was thought for a long time for a long time what I had to tell was what what the thing that wanted to be told was.
It had already dawned at night, and daytime had passed, too, when keeping thinking.
Managing, it not to describe whether to become it somehow forcibly here because it keeps being just sticky, and dares to think this desire that doesn't become my language to say nothing of the consequence where it runs anyway single-mindedly and a lot of staff to becoming the discontinuance decision still to be a place where all are understood surely and exist.

However, all of the tour staff by the start of the Aspidistra elatior work always and immediately after the same, and carrying the stage that doesn't change from regrettably and Hiroshima to Osaka while it sleeps, assembling, and completing it as it is without the thing used.
In this hard schedule, mind, all of Dansarz band member Osakajo 2 all nerves ..it is possible to face it.. in state of thorough by having concentrated turning to Days bodies
Unity's thinking that it keeps delivering dream of no end, and disappearing on ground in Hiroshima because it renews, being taught, both ..Boroboro.. crying, deepening further in addition, and all of ..walking.. staff
It shouldn't happen to a dog as the chairman when you consider everyone's feelings.
It seems to be defeated at unbearable feelings. 


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前のカテゴリはAmuro Namieです。

